Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6748
5.1 Toggle
Toggle elements of a collapse with user feed back of the icon rotating.
Example s
Default styling
the name of the target of the collapse
<div class="flex_none p_2" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="[modifier]" aria-controls="[modifier]" aria-expanded="true">
<i class="a:rotation fa-fw fa-times fas self_center text_center"></i>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6784
5.1.1 Collapse Toggle Advanced
Toggle elements of a collapse with user feed back of the icon morphing.
Example s
Default styling
the name of the target of the collapse
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="[modifier]" aria-controls="[modifier]">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6805
5.1.2 Collapse Toggle Advanced with Square
Toggle elements of a collapse with user feed back of the icon morphing.
Example s
Default styling
the name of the target of the collapse
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="[modifier]" aria-controls="[modifier]">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-square fa-stack-2x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x c_white"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x c_white"></i>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6766
5.1.3 Toggle Chevron
Toggle elements of a collapse with user feed back of the icon rotating.
Example s
Default styling
the name of the target of the collapse
<div class="a:bg_black-3 h:bg_black-4 flex_none p_2" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="[modifier]" aria-controls="[modifier]" aria-expanded="true">
<i class="a:rotation fa-fw fa-chevron-up fas self_center text_center"></i>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6713
5.1.4 Bootstrap Toggle Rotation
The toggles for bootstrap collapses use a +
icon that twists to an x
when the elements doesn't have collapsed
or show
as a class. to reduce confusion the class has a set rotation and speed attached to it. a:rotation
is applied to the tow specific icons fa-times
and fa-chevron-up
state.Example s
Default styling
when the associated content is expanded the toggle will look like this
when the associated content is collapsed the class is added to the toggle and it will look like this.
<div class="flex_none p_2 [modifier]" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#pageHubChild" aria-controls="#pageHubChild">
<i class="a:rotation c_primary fa-fw fa-times fas self_center text_center"></i>
<div class="flex_none p_2 [modifier]" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#pageHubChild" aria-controls="#pageHubChild">
<i class="a:rotation c_primary fa-fw fa-chevron-up fas self_center text_center"></i>
<div class="flex_none p_2 [modifier]" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#pageHubChild" aria-controls="#pageHubChild">
<span class="fa-stack fa-2x">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
<div class="flex_none p_2 [modifier]" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#pageHubChild" aria-controls="#pageHubChild">
<span class="fa-stack fa-2x">
<i class="fas fa-square fa-stack-2x c_black"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x c_white"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x c_white"></i>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 10494
5.2 Breadcrumb Bar
Basic Nav that helps the user orientate the context of the page.
Sub Components in Design:
Class Lists Used in the Design:
<header class="grid-area_headerArea flex flex_row items_center justify_start flex_none z_1 inset-level_up bg_white-7 br_radius br_solid br_1 br_black-2 p_2 p_3:md p_4:lg">
<nav class="overflow_hidden lh_0 font_ui font_2 font_regular c_black-7 " aria-label="Breadcrumb">
<ol class="flex flex_no-wrap flex_row items_center overflow_hidden ul_none w_100 max-w_100">
<li class="flex flex_row flex_none h:c_primary lh_2 m-b_1 relative">
<i class="fal fa-home fa-fw flex_none self_center c_primary font-size_up "></i>
<a href="../home" class="inherit_all h:underline undecorated expanded-click-area overflow_ellipsis flex flex_nowrap nowrap" title="navigate to home page">
<span class="display_none flex_auto inline:md self_center m-l_3">Home</span>
</li> <li class="flex flex_row flex_auto flex_50 h:c_primary lh_2 m-b_1 overflow_hidden relative">
<i class="fal fa-chevron-left fa-fw m-x_3 flex_none self_center c_primary font-size_down"></i>
<a href="../watching" class="inherit_all h:underline undecorated expanded-click-area overflow_ellipsis flex flex_nowrap nowrap" title="navigate to X Page">
<span class=" flex_auto self_center">Page Type Label</span>
<span class=" flex_auto self_center display_inline:md display_none">Session Shorten Name</span>
</li> <li class="flex flex_row flex_auto flex_50 lh_2 m-b_1 overflow_hidden relative c_black-7">
<i class="fal fa-chevron-left c_primary-n2 m-x_3 self_center font-size_down"></i>
<div class="flex flex_row flex_nowrap overflow_ellipsis nowrap">
<span class=" flex_auto self_center">Page Type Label</span>
<span class=" flex_auto self_center display_inline:md display_none font_medium">Presentation Shorten Name</span>
</li> </ol>
Code Sample
5.3 Navigation.Footer
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 10526
5.3.1 Footer Links
The Apps Footer.
Class Lists Used in the Design:
<div id="subfooter" class="bg_primary-1 flex_auto font_n1 z_1 br_radius texture_dust shadow_emboss-light p_2 p_3:md p_4:lg ">
<ul class="m_auto footer-bottom-links ul_none max-w_80">
<li class="inline p_2"><a href="//" class="c_white-6 h:c_white">Media Center</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a href="//" class="c_white-6 h:c_white"> Quick Start Guide</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Advertising & Sponsorship Policy</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Clinical Content Disclaimer</a> </li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Editorial Board</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Privacy Policy</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Registered User Agreement</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Terms of Service</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Cookie Policy</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Member Hub Terms of Use</a></li>
<li class="inline p_2"><a class="c_white-6 h:c_white" href="//">Site Map</a> </li>
</ul> <!-- /footer-bottom-links -->
</div><!-- /subfooter -->
Code Sample
5.4 Navigation.Home
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 10450
5.4.1 Home Utility Nav
Small nav under the home page to quick link users to helpful pieces of content
<nav class="utility-nav p-t_3 p-t_4:lg font_n3 font_0:md font_1:lg ">
<ul class="flex flex_row ul_none justify_center">
<li class="text_center p-x_2 block p-x_4:md lh_1">
<a class="h:undecorated c_primary block h:c_secondary-n3 p_3 p_0:md"
><i class="fal fa-star block inline:md"></i><span class="display_none inline:md"> featured</span></a
<li class="text_center p-x_2 block p-x_4:md lh_1 br-l_1 br_solid br_black-4">
<a class="h:undecorated c_primary block h:c_secondary-n3 p_3 p_0:md"
><i class="fal fa-sitemap block inline:md"></i><span class="display_none inline:md"> hot topics</span></a
<li class="text_center p-x_2 block p-x_4:md lh_1 text_center br-l_1 br_solid br_black-4">
<a class="h:undecorated c_primary block h:c_secondary-n3 p_3 p_0:md"
><i class="fal fa-heart block inline:md"></i><span class="display_none inline:md"> saved</span></a
<li class="text_center p-x_2 block p-x_4:md lh_1 br-l_1 br_solid br_black-4">
<a class="h:undecorated c_primary block h:c_secondary-n3 p_3 p_0:md"
><i class="fal fa-play block inline:md"></i><span class="display_none inline:md"> continue watching</span></a
<li class="text_center p-x_2 block p-x_4:md lh_1 br-l_1 br_solid br_black-4">
<a class="h:undecorated c_primary block h:c_secondary-n3 p_3 p_0:md"
><i class="fal fa-sync block inline:md"></i><span class="display_none inline:md"> watch again </span></a
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 10380
5.5 Main Nav
THe library because it is an app uses a different style of nav which is more align to streaming software.
This design highly depends on Javascript.There are styles in the pattern that should be ignored because they are just to make the pattern show up correctly in documentation.<div style="height: calc(100vh - 1.5rem);" class="display_none flex:md sticky t_3 ">
<nav style="height: calc(100vh - 1.5rem); width: 35rem;" id="navigation" class="absolute h_100vh shadow_emboss-light filter_blur overflow_hidden br_radius bg_black-7 flex:md flex_column:md justify_between p-t_0 p-b_3 p-l_3 p-r_3 p-b_4:md p-t_4:md p-r_0:md font_4:lg font_3:md font_2 transition_3 font_display nav-mined">
<ul class="flex flex_column:md flex_row ul_none justify_around justify_start:md gap_3 w_100 w_auto:md">
<li id="mainDesktopNavTouchToggle" class="display_none flex:touch flex_row justify_end p-x_3 m-l_n3 ">
<span class="aspect_1x1 bg_accent br_round c_inherit-all c_white-8 grid h:c_white justify_center p_3 self_center text_center w_auto shadow_n3"><i class="block fa-chevron-circle-right fa-fw fas icon [rotate_180] self_center text-shadow_black-1 transition_2"></i></span>
<li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light active">
<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../home"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-home-heart p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 active font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Home</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md " href="../search"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-search p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Search</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../saved"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-heart p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Saved</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../credits"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-award p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Credits</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light disabled cursor_not-allowed opacity_3 ">
<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../watching"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-play p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Watching</span></a>
<ul class="flex_column:md flex_row ul_none justify_center gap_3 flex">
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 bg_acc-n1 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light">
<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-sign-out-alt p-x_2 p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Log Out</span></a>
<nav id="navigation_mobile" class="block display_none:md shadow_emboss-light filter_blur br_radius bg_black-6 p_2 sticky t_3 z_4">
<ul class="flex flex_row ul_none justify_between">
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light active">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../home"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-home-heart p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 active font_n2 h_1h">Home</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../search"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-search p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h ">Search</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../saved"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-heart p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h nowrap ">Saved</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../saved"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-award p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h ">Credits</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light disabled opacity_3 cursor_not-allowed ">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../watching"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-play p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h ">Watching</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 bg_acc-n1 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-sign-out-alt p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 nowrap h_1h">Log Out</span></a>
<script src="../js/library/library.main-nav.js"></script>
<!-- These Styles are just for the styleguide and are not to be included with the pattern. -->
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6513
5.6 Sidebar Nav
Description: Side bar for any 3 layer nav on the site. the parent node is from the main nav.
Limitations to the documentation system might cause javascript effects to animate or trigger incorrectly.<nav class="nav-sub bg_primary c_white font_2 font_ui ">
<ul class="ul_none flex_column flex">
<li class="nav-item font-size_up" data-nav="parent">
<div class="bg_black-4 ">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 block w_100 c_white p-y_2 p-x_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Parent Link: Tree starts from this node</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="collapsed br-r_1 br_solid br_white-2 flex flex_column flex_none justify_start text-shadow_black-n1 c_white">
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target=".childNavCollapse" aria-controls=".childNavCollapse">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
</div></div> <div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child with Children Links</a>
<nav class="nav-sub-child bg_white-2 font-size_down collapse childNavCollapse" >
<ul class="ul_none flex_column flex">
<li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> </ul>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item active" data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="active br-r_1 br_solid br_white-2 flex flex_column flex_none justify_start text-shadow_black-n1 c_white">
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target=".childNavCollapse" aria-controls=".childNavCollapse">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
</div></div> <div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 active c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child with Children Links</a>
<nav class="nav-sub-child bg_white-2 font-size_down collapse childNavCollapse show">
<ul class="ul_none flex_column flex">
<li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item active " data-nav="grandchild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="active br-r_1 br_solid br_white-2 flex flex_column flex_none justify_start text-shadow_black-n1 c_white">
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target=".childNavCollapse" aria-controls=".childNavCollapse">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
</div></div> <div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 active c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child with Children Links</a>
<nav class="nav-sub-child bg_white-2 collapse show childNavCollapse">
<ul class="ul_none flex_column flex">
<li class="nav-item " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item active " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" active text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>
</li> </ul>
</li> </ul>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6540
5.6.1 Parent NavItem
Description: The parent is singular in this nav it is always active and its direct children are always expanded so there is not need for a toggle.
<li class="nav-item font-size_up" data-nav="parent">
<div class="bg_black-4 ">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 block w_100 c_white p-y_2 p-x_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Parent Link: Tree starts from this node</a>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6588
5.6.2 Toggle Child
Description: Toggle elements are set to active if the attached node or its children are active. If the toggle is active the collapsed children navigation are open by default.
Example s
Default styling
the toggle when it doesn't have an active class still shades on hover
shade the toggle
Limitations to the documentation system might cause javascript effects to animate or trigger incorrectly.<div class="[modifier] br-r_1 br_solid br_white-2 flex flex_column flex_none justify_start text-shadow_black-n1 c_white">
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target=".childNavCollapse" aria-controls=".childNavCollapse">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6558
5.6.3 Child NavItem
Description: Child and Grandchild nav items are built the same way with a spacer with or without a toggle depending on if they have children.
Example s
Default styling
No added class
Nav Item changes its decoration if this the page the user is on.
<li class="nav-item [modifier]" data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 [modifier] c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6610
5.6.4 Child NavItem With Children
Description: Child and Grandchild nav items are built the same way with a spacer with or without a toggle depending on if they have children.
Limitations to the documentation system might cause javascript effects to animate or trigger incorrectly.<li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="collapsed br-r_1 br_solid br_white-2 flex flex_column flex_none justify_start text-shadow_black-n1 c_white">
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target=".childNavCollapse" aria-controls=".childNavCollapse">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
</div></div> <div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child with Children Links</a>
<nav class="nav-sub-child bg_white-2 font-size_down collapse childNavCollapse" >
<ul class="ul_none flex_column flex">
<li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> </ul>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6643
5.6.5 Child NavItem With Grand Children
Description: Child and Grandchild nav items are built the same way with a spacer with or without a toggle depending on if they have children.
Limitations to the documentation system might cause javascript effects to animate or trigger incorrectly.<li class="nav-item active" data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="active br-r_1 br_solid br_white-2 flex flex_column flex_none justify_start text-shadow_black-n1 c_white">
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target=".childNavCollapse" aria-controls=".childNavCollapse">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
</div></div> <div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 active c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child with Children Links</a>
<nav class="nav-sub-child bg_white-2 font-size_down collapse childNavCollapse show">
<ul class="ul_none flex_column flex">
<li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="child">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex flex_column flex_none justify_start">
<div class="flex_none">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-spacer fa-stack-1x"></i>
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child Link</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item active " data-nav="grandchild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="active br-r_1 br_solid br_white-2 flex flex_column flex_none justify_start text-shadow_black-n1 c_white">
<div class="flex_none" aria-expanded="false" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target=".childNavCollapse" aria-controls=".childNavCollapse">
<span class="fa-stack">
<i class="fas fa-minus fa-stack-1x"></i>
<i class="fas fa-minus rotate_90 a:rotation fa-stack-1x "></i>
</div></div> <div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class="text-shadow_black-1 active c_white-9 p-y_2 p-x_3 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center a:bg_black-3">Child with Children Links</a>
<nav class="nav-sub-child bg_white-2 collapse show childNavCollapse">
<ul class="ul_none flex_column flex">
<li class="nav-item " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item active " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" active text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>
</li> <li class="nav-item " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>
</li> </ul>
Code Sample
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 6690
5.6.6 Great Grandchild NavItem
Description: Great Grand Children loose the spacer for toggles because they don't have any child navs and don't need the use of a toggle.
Example s
Default styling
No added class
Nav Item changes its decoration if this the page the user is on.
<li class="nav-item [modifier] " data-nav="greatGrandChild">
<div class="flex flex_row">
<div class="flex_auto self_center">
<a class=" [modifier] text-shadow_black-1 a:bg_black-3 c_white-9 p-y_2 p-r_3 p-l_4 w_100 h:c_white inline-block h:underline self_center">Great Grand Child Links</a>