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Arches: Online Video Library

Arches:Online Video Library

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology


Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 16342

8.1 Interactive Extras

Interactions can be enhanced with toggle icons or loading graphics to show the system is responding to user input.


This is a header

This is a card.

It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.

I am so clickable
<div class="card shadow_2 cell small-6 large-4 max-w_40"  data-style="" >
  <div class=" font_accent: border-top-left-square c_white font_3 p_4 texture_dust card-divider bg_primary card-header">
    This is a header
  <img src="">
  <div class="card-section card-body">
    <h4>This is a card.</h4>
	 <p>It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.</p>
	 <a href="#" class="expanded-click-area button btn btn-primary">I am so clickable</a>
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Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 11778

8.1.3 Aspect Ratio

To create an image placeholder use the lorem-loader plus an aspect of the intended image on th parent container while waiting for the image.The placeholder will be a 100% of the container so size the container properly.

Example s

Default styling



lock image to a 8 to 10 ratio



lock image to a 1 to 1 ratio



lock image to a 2 to 1 ratio



lock image to a 3 to 2 ratio



lock image to a 4 to 3 ratio



lock image to a 16 to 9 ratio



lock image to a 21 to 9 ratio



lock image to a 4 to 1 ratio

<div class="grid-w_2 max-w_20"  data-style="[modifier]" >
   <div class="m-y_2 lorem-loader [modifier] ">&nbsp;</div>
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This is a header

This is a card.

It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi dolorem et maxime, officiis nulla vel? Numquam quas voluptatibus, voluptatem fuga saepe animi nemo voluptatum repellendus in natus libero, nobis illum!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi dolorem et maxime, officiis nulla vel? Numquam quas voluptatibus, voluptatem fuga saepe animi nemo voluptatum repellendus in natus libero, nobis illum!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi dolorem et maxime, officiis nulla vel? Numquam quas voluptatibus, voluptatem fuga saepe animi nemo voluptatum repellendus in natus libero, nobis illum!

<div class="card shadow_2 cell small-6 large-4 max-w_30" >
    <div class=" font_accent: border-top-left-square c_white font_3 p_4 texture_dust card-divider bg_primary card-header">
    This is a header
    <div class="card-section card-body p_4 scrollbar-mini overflow_auto" style="max-height:300px;">
        <h4>This is a card.</h4>
        <p class="font_1">It has an easy to override visual style, and is appropriately subdued.</p>
        <img src="">
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi dolorem et maxime, officiis nulla vel? Numquam quas voluptatibus, voluptatem fuga saepe animi nemo voluptatum repellendus in natus libero, nobis illum!</p>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi dolorem et maxime, officiis nulla vel? Numquam quas voluptatibus, voluptatem fuga saepe animi nemo voluptatum repellendus in natus libero, nobis illum!</p>
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi dolorem et maxime, officiis nulla vel? Numquam quas voluptatibus, voluptatem fuga saepe animi nemo voluptatum repellendus in natus libero, nobis illum!</p>
    <div class="card-divider card-footer br_0 br_solid br-t_1 br_primary"> <a href="#" class="button btn btn-primary">I am so clickable</a></div>
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Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 12306

8.1.5 Stars


Star ratings should be build throughout arches in a more dynamic way but this is an easy level of adding stars.

Experimental: This item is not finalized and might be subject to change


<ul class="ul_none flex flex_inline star-rating">
    <li class="flex_shrink"> <i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
    <li class="flex_shrink"> <i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
    <li class="flex_shrink"> <i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
    <li class="flex_shrink"> <i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
    <li class="flex_shrink"> <i class="fas fa-star"></i></li>
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Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 11758

8.1.6 Lorem Text Loader


It is often we need to have space held for a return of details or text.

Deprecated: This set of components was never fully utilized and will be removed for sake of size. 06/01/21






<div class="max-w_40">
   <h1 class="lorem-loader font_3 m-y_3">&nbsp;</h1>
   <p class="m-y_2 font_0 lorem-loader">&nbsp;</p>
   <p class="m-y_2 font_0 lorem-loader">&nbsp;</p>
   <p class="m-y_2 font_0 lorem-loader">&nbsp;</p>
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Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 12083

8.1.7 Is Active Toggle

Many momment there are needs for toggles of icon when the parent is in the state of active. Used in tree navs, dropdowns, and collapsing areas.

Example s

Default styling

  • FA Solid [modifier] active
  • FA Regular [modifier] active
  • FA Light [modifier] active


Toggle between plus and minus square

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_plus-minus active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_plus-minus active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_plus-minus active


Toggle a chevron pointing up and then down.

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_chevron-up-down active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_chevron-up-down active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_chevron-up-down active


Toggle the double chevron to point up when active

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_chevron-double-up-down active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_chevron-double-up-down active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_chevron-double-up-down active


Toggle chevron left and right

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_chevron-double-left-right active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_chevron-double-left-right active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_chevron-double-left-right active


Toggle the arrow to have a circle when active.

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_arrow-circle active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_arrow-circle active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_arrow-circle active


Toggle between bars and times

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_bars-times active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_bars-times active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_bars-times active


Check Marks toggle on and off

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_check-sqaure active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_check-sqaure active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_check-sqaure active


Check Marks toggle on and off

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_check-circle active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_check-circle active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_check-circle active


Check Marks toggle on and off

  • FA Solid icon-toggle_check active
  • FA Regular icon-toggle_check active
  • FA Light icon-toggle_check active
<ul data-style="[modifier]" class="ul_none m_0 p_0">
	<li class="m-t_1 is-active_toggle-function c_black a:c_white flex p-x_3 p-y_2 a:bg_primary font_1 bg_shade-2 ">
	<i class="flex_none m-r_5 font_3 fas fa-fw [modifier]"></i>
			<span class="flex_auto ">FA Solid [modifier]</span>
			<span class="flex_shrink m-l_auto w_20 self_end a:_block display_none"> active </span>
	<li class="m-t_1 is-active_toggle-function c_black a:c_white flex p-x_3 p-y_2 a:bg_primary font_1 bg_shade-2 ">
	<i class="flex_none m-r_5 font_3 far  fa-fw [modifier]"></i>
			<span class="flex_auto ">FA Regular [modifier]</span>
			<span class="flex_shrink m-l_auto w_20 self_end a:_block display_none"> active </span>
	<li class="m-t_1 is-active_toggle-function c_black a:c_white flex p-x_3 p-y_2 a:bg_primary font_1 bg_shade-2 ">
	<i class="flex_none m-r_5 font_3 fal fa-fw [modifier]"></i>
			<span class="flex_auto">FA Light [modifier]</span>
			<span class="flex_shrink m-l_auto w_20 self_end a:_block display_none"> active </span>
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