Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 10380
5.5 Main Nav
THe library because it is an app uses a different style of nav which is more align to streaming software.
This is currently being depreciated. Please visited the new location for the styleguide at
Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 10380
THe library because it is an app uses a different style of nav which is more align to streaming software.
<div style="height: calc(100vh - 1.5rem);" class="display_none flex:md sticky t_3 ">
<nav style="height: calc(100vh - 1.5rem); width: 35rem;" id="navigation" class="absolute h_100vh shadow_emboss-light filter_blur overflow_hidden br_radius bg_black-7 flex:md flex_column:md justify_between p-t_0 p-b_3 p-l_3 p-r_3 p-b_4:md p-t_4:md p-r_0:md font_4:lg font_3:md font_2 transition_3 font_display nav-mined">
<ul class="flex flex_column:md flex_row ul_none justify_around justify_start:md gap_3 w_100 w_auto:md">
<li id="mainDesktopNavTouchToggle" class="display_none flex:touch flex_row justify_end p-x_3 m-l_n3 ">
<span class="aspect_1x1 bg_accent br_round c_inherit-all c_white-8 grid h:c_white justify_center p_3 self_center text_center w_auto shadow_n3"><i class="block fa-chevron-circle-right fa-fw fas icon [rotate_180] self_center text-shadow_black-1 transition_2"></i></span>
<li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light active">
<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../home"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-home-heart p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 active font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Home</span></a>
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<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md " href="../search"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-search p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Search</span></a>
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<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../saved"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-heart p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Saved</span></a>
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<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../credits"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-award p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Credits</span></a>
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<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../watching"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-play p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Watching</span></a>
<ul class="flex_column:md flex_row ul_none justify_center gap_3 flex">
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<a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-sign-out-alt p-x_2 p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Log Out</span></a>
<nav id="navigation_mobile" class="block display_none:md shadow_emboss-light filter_blur br_radius bg_black-6 p_2 sticky t_3 z_4">
<ul class="flex flex_row ul_none justify_between">
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light active">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../home"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-home-heart p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 active font_n2 h_1h">Home</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../search"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-search p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h ">Search</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../saved"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-heart p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h nowrap ">Saved</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
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<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light disabled opacity_3 cursor_not-allowed ">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../watching"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-play p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h ">Watching</span></a>
<li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 bg_acc-n1 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light">
<a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-sign-out-alt p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 nowrap h_1h">Log Out</span></a>
<script src="../js/library/library.main-nav.js"></script>
<!-- These Styles are just for the styleguide and are not to be included with the pattern. -->