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Arches: Online Video Library

Arches:Online Video Library

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line 10380

5.5 Main Nav

THe library because it is an app uses a different style of nav which is more align to streaming software.

This design highly depends on Javascript.There are styles in the pattern that should be ignored because they are just to make the pattern show up correctly in documentation.
<div style="height: calc(100vh - 1.5rem);" class="display_none flex:md sticky t_3  ">
        <nav style="height: calc(100vh - 1.5rem); width: 35rem;" id="navigation" class="absolute h_100vh shadow_emboss-light filter_blur overflow_hidden br_radius bg_black-7 flex:md flex_column:md justify_between p-t_0 p-b_3 p-l_3 p-r_3 p-b_4:md p-t_4:md p-r_0:md font_4:lg font_3:md font_2 transition_3 font_display nav-mined">
            <ul class="flex flex_column:md flex_row ul_none justify_around justify_start:md gap_3 w_100 w_auto:md">
                <li  id="mainDesktopNavTouchToggle" class="display_none flex:touch flex_row justify_end p-x_3 m-l_n3 ">
                    <span class="aspect_1x1 bg_accent br_round c_inherit-all c_white-8 grid h:c_white justify_center p_3 self_center text_center w_auto shadow_n3"><i class="block fa-chevron-circle-right fa-fw fas icon [rotate_180] self_center text-shadow_black-1 transition_2"></i></span>
                <li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light active">
                    <a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../home"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-home-heart p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 active font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Home</span></a>
                <li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
                    <a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md " href="../search"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-search p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Search</span></a>
                <li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
                    <a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../saved"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-heart p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Saved</span></a>
                <li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
                    <a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../credits"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-award p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Credits</span></a>
                <li class="nav-item flex_none br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light disabled cursor_not-allowed opacity_3 ">
                    <a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md" href="../watching"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-play p-x_2:md p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Watching</span></a>
            <ul class="flex_column:md flex_row ul_none justify_center gap_3 flex">
                <li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius p-t_3 m-t_n3 m-t_0:md p-t_0:md p-r_4:md m-r_n4:md c_white-8 bg_acc-n1 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light">
                    <a class="p_3 c_inherit-all h:undecorated flex flex_column flex_row:md"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-sign-out-alt p-x_2 p-y_3 p-y_0:md self_center"></i><span class="label self_center p-l_3:md p-l_4:lg lowercase lh_0 font_n2 font_3:md font_4:lg display_none:md opacity_0">Log Out</span></a>
    <nav id="navigation_mobile" class="block display_none:md shadow_emboss-light filter_blur br_radius bg_black-6 p_2 sticky t_3 z_4">
        <ul class="flex flex_row ul_none justify_between">
            <li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light active">
                <a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../home"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-home-heart p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center  lowercase lh_0 active font_n2 h_1h">Home</span></a>
            <li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
                <a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../search"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-search p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center  lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h ">Search</span></a>
            <li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
                <a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../saved"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-heart p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center  lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h nowrap ">Saved</span></a>
            <li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light ">
                <a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../saved"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-award p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center  lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h ">Credits</span></a>
            <li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light disabled opacity_3 cursor_not-allowed ">
                <a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3" href="../watching"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-play p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 h_1h ">Watching</span></a>
            <li class="nav-item flex_auto br_radius c_white-8 bg_acc-n1 h:bg_black-9 h:c_white a:c_white a:bg_primary h:shadow_overlap-light a:shadow_overlap-light">
                <a class="c_inherit-all flex flex_column h:undecorated p_3"><i class="icon fas fa-fw fa-sign-out-alt p-y_2 self_center"></i><span class="label self_center lowercase lh_0 font_n2 nowrap h_1h">Log Out</span></a>
    <script src="../js/library/library.main-nav.js"></script>
    <!-- These Styles are just for the styleguide and are not to be included with the pattern. -->
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