Source: dist/css/library_boot.css, line
Carousel Empty State
The empty state of the carousel
Sub.Carousel.CustomTools.Disabled - Disabled Navigation
Components in Design:
Sub.ClassList.Inset.margin.down-1 - Margin down 1
Sub.ClassList.Inset.down-1 - Inset Down 1
Class Lists Used in the Design:
<div class="p-y_3 relative m-x_n2 m-x_n3:md m-x_n4:lg">
<div class="tns-outer inset-level_down-1 bg_black-1 shadow_emboss-light br_solid br_1 br_black-2 br_radius texture_light font_0 font_ui font_regular" >
<div class="tns-ovh">
<div class="tns-inner" >
<div id="slider3" class=" flex flex_row justify_stretch p-y_4 p-x_3 overflow_hidden tns-slider tns-carousel tns-subpixel tns-calc tns-horizontal" >
<div class="tns-item tns-slide-active p-x_5">
<article class="bg_white br_1 br_black-1 br_radius br_solid flex flex_grow shadow_overlap-light w_100">
<div class="flex flex_row justify_start relative w_100">
<main class="flex flex_column flex_auto justify_between flex_auto p-l_4 p-x_4:md p-y_3 p-y_3:lg relative w_100 isolation_isolate reading-typography">
<h2 class="">
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<div class="customize-tools">
<ul class="controls ul_none font-size_up-2 c_black-6" id="slider3-customize-controls" aria-label="Carousel Navigation" tabindex="0">
<li class="disabled prev bg_white-8 filter_blur absolute t_1 b_1 l_0 p_3 flex_column flex justify_center items_center br_primary-3 br_solid br_1 br-l_0 br-br_radius br-tr_radius shadow_overlap-light" aria-controls="slider3" tabindex="-1" data-controls="prev">
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