Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 9013
Find your heart a home is a single page application that is housed in a subdomain of cardiosmart.
This is currently being depreciated. Please visited the new location for the styleguide at
Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 9013
Find your heart a home is a single page application that is housed in a subdomain of cardiosmart.
Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 9023
The returned result of a FYHAH search.
<article class="br_1 br_black-2 br_solid font_0 font_ui p_4 shadow_overlap-light m-b_4">
<header class="flex justify_between">
<h1 class="font_2 font_display m_0 flex_auto"><span>Trudeo</span>
</h1> <a class="bg_shade-5 br_2 br_solid br_white-3 c_black flex_shrink h:bg_primary h:c_white h:underline-none inline-block m-r_2 text_center flex shadow_overlap-light br_radius"><span class="lh_0 flex_auto add alt-short-text a:_none p-y_3 p-x_3 p-r_4">Add To Compare</span> <span class="flex_none p-y_3 p-x_3 text_center br_radius a:bg_accent-n1 flex"><i class="fas a:c_white c_shade-3 fa-fw icon-toggle_check-sqaure icon-toggle_check-square self_center"></i></span></a>
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<address class="m-t_3">
<ul class="ul_none lh_1 font_0">
<li class="m-b_1 m-b_3:md facility-address font_1">
<div class="block"><span class="street-address">8994 Morning Pass</span></div>
<div class="block"><span class="street-address"></span></div>
<div class="block"><span class="locality">Salt Lake City</span>, <span class="state-name"><abbrUT</abbr></span> <span class="postal-code">84110</span></div>
<li class="m-b_1 m-b_2:md facility-google-map"><a href="" target="_blank" class="block c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fa-fw fa-map-marker fa-pin fas"></i>Get Directions </a></li>
<li class="m-b_1 m-b_2:md facility-web-URL"><a target="_blank" class="website c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-globe"></i> website </a></li>
<li class="m-b_1 m-b_3:md facility-phone"><a tel="+18002574737" href="tel:+801-551-8160" class="tel c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-phone"></i> <span class="text">801-551-8160</span></a></li>
<div class="flex_auto m-t_0:md m-t_4">
<div class="font_0 font_bold br-b_1 br_solid br_primary-3 p-b_2 m-b_3"> Cardiac Services <a href="" target="_blank" class="c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-question-circle"></i></a></div>
<ul class="font_n1 gap-x_4 gap-y_2 grid lh_2 template-x_15 ul_none ">
<li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Cardiac Surgery Services </li>
<li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Cardiac Defibrillator Implantation </li>
<li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Carotid Endarterectomy </li>
<li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Percutaneous Peripheral Vascular Intervention </li>
<li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Carotid Artery Stenting </li>
<footer class="br-t_1 br_secondary-5 br_solid flex justify_between m-t_3 p-t_3 result-footer flex_row-reverse"><a class="a:bg_accent bg_shade-5 br_2 br_solid br_white-3 c_black flex_none h:bg_primary h:c_white h:underline-none inline-block m-r_2 p-y_2 p_4 shadow_overlap-light text_center br_radius"><span class="add alt-short-text">Profile</span> <i class="fa fa-fw icon-toggle_arrow-circle"></i></a></footer>
Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 9258
Description: Opening table of participation.
Registry and Quality Program Participation.
Atrial fibrillation ablation
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Elective and Emergency Cases & Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction
Atrial fibrillation ablation
Electrophysiology Studies, Pacemaker Implantation & Cardiac Defibrillator Implantation
Atrial fibrillation ablation
<section class="bg_white font_ui">
<header data-attr="accordion-header" class="br_black-3 br_solid br_1 bg_black-1 flex is-active">
<div class="flex_none flex column justify_center font-size_up p-x_3 p-x_4:md bg_primary-4 br_black-3 br_solid br-r_1 "><i class="fas fa-fw icon-toggle_plus-minus flex_auto self_center a:c_primary-n4 c_primary-n1 is-active"></i></div>
<div class="flex_auto p-y_3 p-x_2 p-l_3">
<h2 class="font_display m_0 lh_2 font_2">Registry and Quality Program Participation.</h2>
<article data-attr="accordion-content" class="br_black-3 br_solid br_1 font_0 br-t_0 transition_2 origin_tl">
<div class="font_copy p_4:md">
<p class="c_primary m-t_0 lh_2 p-x_4 p-t_4 p-x_3:md">Registry and Quality Program Participation.</p>
<div class="bg_primary c_white font_0 font_n1:md font_bold display_none flex:md">
<td class="flex_auto w_30:md">Registry</td>
<td class="flex_auto w_30:md">Participation</td>
<td class="flex_auto w_40:md">Associated Services</td>
<section class="flex flex_column flex_row:md bg_black-1">
<div class="flex_shrink w_30:md p_3:md p-t_3 p-x_3 font_0 font_1:md c_primary"> CathPCI Registry® <a title="Patients should be prescribed a P2Y12 inhibitor medication to reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by blood clots in new stents after having a PCI/angioplasty- unless there is a reason not to use the medicine (such as an allergy). \r\n\r\nThis score shows how well this facility is following this guideline - higher is better. Patients who cannot take P2Y12 inhibitor medicines are excluded." class="font_n1 vertical-align_top m-l_2"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></a></div>
<div class="font_bold w_30:md flex_shrink p_3:md p-x_3 font_1 font_0:md">Participating</div>
<div class="c_primary-n4 font_n1 w_40:md flex_auto p-x_3 p_3:md">
<p class="max-w_40 lh_2 m-t_0">Atrial fibrillation ablation</p>
<section class="flex flex_column flex_row:md">
<div class="flex_shrink w_30:md p_3:md p-t_3 p-x_3 font_0 font_1:md c_primary"> CathPCI Public Reporting Status <a title="Patients should be prescribed a P2Y12 inhibitor medication to reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by blood clots in new stents after having a PCI/angioplasty- unless there is a reason not to use the medicine (such as an allergy). \r\n\r\nThis score shows how well this facility is following this guideline - higher is better. Patients who cannot take P2Y12 inhibitor medicines are excluded." class="font_n1 vertical-align_top m-l_2"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></a></div>
<div class="font_bold w_30:md flex_shrink p_3:md p-x_3 font_1 font_0:md">Participating</div>
<div class="c_primary-n4 font_n1 w_40:md flex_auto p-x_3 p_3:md">
<p class="max-w_40 lh_2 m-t_0">Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Elective and Emergency Cases & Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial Infarction</p>
<section class="flex flex_column flex_row:md bg_black-1">
<div class="flex_shrink w_30:md p_3:md p-t_3 p-x_3 font_0 font_1:md c_primary"> ICD Registry™
<div class="font_bold w_30:md flex_shrink p_3:md p-x_3 font_1 font_0:md">Ineligible: Not Participating in Registry</div>
<div class="c_primary-n4 font_n1 w_40:md flex_auto p-x_3 p_3:md">
<p class="max-w_40 lh_2 m-t_0">Atrial fibrillation ablation</p>
<section class="flex flex_column flex_row:md">
<div class="flex_shrink w_30:md p_3:md p-t_3 p-x_3 font_0 font_1:md c_primary"> ICD Public Reporting Status <a title="Patients should be prescribed a P2Y12 inhibitor medication to reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by blood clots in new stents after having a PCI/angioplasty- unless there is a reason not to use the medicine (such as an allergy). \r\n\r\nThis score shows how well this facility is following this guideline - higher is better. Patients who cannot take P2Y12 inhibitor medicines are excluded." class="font_n1 vertical-align_top m-l_2"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></a></div>
<div class="font_bold w_30:md flex_shrink p_3:md p-x_3 font_1 font_0:md">Participating</div>
<div class="c_primary-n4 font_n1 w_40:md flex_auto p-x_3 p_3:md">
<p class="max-w_40 lh_2 m-t_0">Electrophysiology Studies, Pacemaker Implantation & Cardiac Defibrillator Implantation</p>
<section class="flex flex_column flex_row:md bg_black-1">
<div class="flex_shrink w_30:md p_3:md p-t_3 p-x_3 font_0 font_1:md c_primary"> Chest Pain - MI Registry™
<div class="font_bold w_30:md flex_shrink p_3:md p-x_3 font_1 font_0:md">Participating</div>
<div class="c_primary-n4 font_n1 w_40:md flex_auto p-x_3 p_3:md">
<p class="max-w_40 lh_2 m-t_0">Atrial fibrillation ablation</p>
Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 9327
Description: Opening table of participation.
Hospital performance for patients who have had a cardiac catheterization or PCI (angioplasty)
<section class="bg_white font_ui">
<header data-attr="accordion-header" class="br_black-3 br_solid br_1 bg_black-1 flex is-active">
<div class="flex_none flex column justify_center font-size_up p-x_3 p-x_4:md bg_primary-4 br_black-3 br_solid br-r_1 "><i class="fas fa-fw icon-toggle_plus-minus flex_auto self_center a:c_primary-n4 c_primary-n1 is-active"></i></div>
<div class="flex_auto p-y_3 p-x_2 p-l_3">
<h2 class="font_display m_0 font_2 lh_1">NCDR METRIC 1</h2>
<article data-attr="accordion-content" class="br_black-3 br_solid br_1 font_0 br-t_0 transition_2 origin_tl">
<div class="font_copy p_4:md">
<p class="c_primary m-t_0 lh_2 p-x_4 p-t_4 p-x_3:md"> Hospital performance for patients who have had a cardiac catheterization or PCI (angioplasty) </p>
<section class="flex flex_row-reverse flex_row:md bg_primary-5">
<div class="flex_auto w_60 p-x_3 font_1:md lh_3 font_0 c_black">
<p class="max-w_50 lh_2"> Use of a P2Y12 inhibitor medication to reduce the chance of blood clots after PCI/angioplasty. <a title="Patients should be prescribed Aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by blood clots in new stents after having a PCI/angioplasty- unless there is a reason not to use the medicine (such as an allergy). This score shows how well this facility is following this guideline - higher is better. Patients who cannot take aspirin are excluded." class="font_n1 vertical-align_top m-l_2 c_secondary"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></a></p>
<div class="font_bold flex_auto p_3:md p-t_4:md p-x_2 font_1 font_0:md flex text_center w-grid_2 w-grid_3:md bg_black-1">
<div class="font_0 font_2:md flex_auto self_center display_none:md block"><span class="font_2 font_3:md flex_auto self_center">4</span><br i class="fas fa-star c_warning"></i>'s </div>
<div class="font_0 font_2:md flex_auto self_center display_none block:md"><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-1"></i><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-2"></i><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-3"></i><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-4"></i><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto far c_black-3 star-5"></i></div>
<section class="flex flex_row-reverse flex_row:md">
<div class="flex_auto w_60 p-x_3 font_1:md lh_3 font_0 c_black">
<p class="max-w_50 lh_2"> Use of a Statin to decrease cholesterol after PCI/angioplasty. <a title="Patients should be prescribed Aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by blood clots in new stents after having a PCI/angioplasty- unless there is a reason not to use the medicine (such as an allergy). This score shows how well this facility is following this guideline - higher is better. Patients who cannot take aspirin are excluded." class="font_n1 vertical-align_top m-l_2 c_secondary"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></a></p>
<div class="font_bold flex_auto p_3:md p-t_4:md p-x_2 font_1 font_0:md flex text_center w-grid_2 w-grid_3:md bg_black-1">
<div class="font_2 font_3:md flex_auto self_center"> 4 </div>
<section class="flex flex_row-reverse flex_row:md bg_primary-5">
<div class="flex_auto w_60 p-x_3 font_1:md lh_3 font_0 c_black">
<p class="max-w_50 lh_2"> Number of PCI/angioplasty procedures performed during the calendar year. <a title="Patients should be prescribed Aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by blood clots in new stents after having a PCI/angioplasty- unless there is a reason not to use the medicine (such as an allergy). This score shows how well this facility is following this guideline - higher is better. Patients who cannot take aspirin are excluded." class="font_n1 vertical-align_top m-l_2 c_secondary"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></a></p>
<div class="font_bold flex_auto p_3:md p-t_4:md p-x_2 font_1 font_0:md flex text_center w-grid_2 w-grid_3:md bg_black-1">
<div class="font_0 font_2:md flex_auto self_center display_none:md block"><span class="font_2 font_3:md flex_auto self_center">5</span><br i class="fas fa-star c_warning"></i>'s </div>
<div class="font_0 font_2:md flex_auto self_center display_none block:md"><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-1"></i><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-2"></i><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-3"></i><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-4"></i><i class="fa-star p-l_2 flex_auto fas c_warning text-shadow_black-1 star-5"></i></div>
<section class="flex flex_row-reverse flex_row:md">
<div class="flex_auto w_60 p-x_3 font_1:md lh_3 font_0 c_black">
<p class="max-w_50 lh_2"> Use of a P2Y12 inhibitor medication to reduce the chance of blood clots after PCI/angioplasty. <a title="Patients should be prescribed Aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by blood clots in new stents after having a PCI/angioplasty- unless there is a reason not to use the medicine (such as an allergy). This score shows how well this facility is following this guideline - higher is better. Patients who cannot take aspirin are excluded." class="font_n1 vertical-align_top m-l_2 c_secondary"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></a></p>
<div class="font_bold flex_auto p_3:md p-t_4:md p-x_2 font_1 font_0:md flex text_center w-grid_2 w-grid_3:md bg_black-1">
<div class="font_2 font_3:md flex_auto self_center"> 3 </div>
<section class="flex flex_row-reverse flex_row:md bg_primary-5">
<div class="flex_auto w_60 p-x_3 font_1:md lh_3 font_0 c_black">
<p class="max-w_50 lh_2"> Use of a P2Y12 inhibitor medication to reduce the chance of blood clots after PCI/angioplasty. <a title="Patients should be prescribed Aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attacks caused by blood clots in new stents after having a PCI/angioplasty- unless there is a reason not to use the medicine (such as an allergy). This score shows how well this facility is following this guideline - higher is better. Patients who cannot take aspirin are excluded." class="font_n1 vertical-align_top m-l_2 c_secondary"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i></a></p>
<div class="font_bold flex_auto p_3:md p-t_4:md p-x_2 font_1 font_0:md flex text_center w-grid_2 w-grid_3:md bg_black-1">
<div class="font_2 font_3:md flex_auto self_center"> 1 </div>
Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 9067
Cardiac data registries are national databases that collect information on specific heart conditions or procedures performed in hospitals. Quality improvement programs give hospitals the tools and resources they need to improve how they deliver care.
<div class="br_radius p_4 shadow_overlap-bold">
<header class="br-b_1 br_secondary-5 br_solid flex m-b_4 p-b_4">
<h1 class="font_3 font_display m_0"><span>Trudeo</span>
<address class="m-t_3">
<ul class="ul_none lh_1 font_0">
<li class="m-b_1 m-b_3:md facility-address font_1">
<div class="block"><span class="street-address">8994 Morning Pass</span></div>
<div class="block"><span class="street-address"></span></div>
<div class="block"><span class="locality">Salt Lake City</span>, <span class="state-name"><abbrUT</abbr></span> <span class="postal-code">84110</span></div>
<li class="m-b_1 m-b_2:md facility-google-map"><a href="" target="_blank" class="block c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fa-fw fa-map-marker fa-pin fas"></i>Get Directions </a></li>
<li class="m-b_1 m-b_2:md facility-web-URL"><a target="_blank" class="website c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-globe"></i> website </a></li>
<li class="m-b_1 m-b_3:md facility-phone"><a tel="+18002574737" href="tel:+801-551-8160" class="tel c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-phone"></i> <span class="text">801-551-8160</span></a></li>
<div class="font_0 font_bold"> Cardiac Services <a href="" target="_blank" class="c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-question-circle"></i></a></div>
<ul class="font_n1 gap-x_4 ul_none">
<li class="facility-service text-indent_n1 p-l_4 lh_1 m-t_2 m-b_2">Cardiac Surgery Services</li>
<li class="facility-service text-indent_n1 p-l_4 lh_1 m-t_2 m-b_2">Cardiac Defibrillator Implantation</li>
<li class="facility-service text-indent_n1 p-l_4 lh_1 m-t_2 m-b_2">Carotid Endarterectomy</li>
<li class="facility-service text-indent_n1 p-l_4 lh_1 m-t_2 m-b_2">Percutaneous Peripheral Vascular Intervention</li>
<li class="facility-service text-indent_n1 p-l_4 lh_1 m-t_2 m-b_2">Carotid Artery Stenting</li>
<p class="c_primary font_italic font_n2 lh_2 m-t_3 subtle"> Cardiac data registries are national databases that collect information on specific heart conditions or procedures performed in hospitals. Quality improvement programs give hospitals the tools and resources they need to improve how they deliver care. </p>
Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 9197
Description: Header of the single page applicaiton
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Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 9105
Description: Search Panel
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<label class="lh_0 m-b_0">Cardiac Services
<a class="underline c_primary font_n1" href="" target="_blank">
<span class="display_none inline-block:md">Services Glossary</span>
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<span class="block c_accent font_n1 help-block">Select all services hospitals must perform</span>
<div class="controls">
<select name="ServiceId" id="ServiceId" class="selectpicker knockoutjs-selectpicker" multiple="multiple">
<option value="11">Acute Myocardial Infarction Treatment</option>
<option value="16">Atrial Fibrillation Ablation</option>
<option value="3">Cardiac Defibrillator Implantation</option>
<option value="14">Cardiac Surgery Services</option>
<option value="6">Carotid Artery Stenting</option>
<option value="7">Carotid Endarterectomy</option>
<option value="8">Congenital Heart Defect Intervention</option>
<option value="15">Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery</option>
<option value="4">Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization</option>
<option value="1">Electrophysiology Studies</option>
<option value="12">Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion</option>
<option value="2">Pacemaker Implantation</option>
<option value="13">Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Myocardial
<option value="5">Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Elective and
Emergency Cases</option>
<option value="10">Percutaneous Peripheral Vascular Intervention</option>
<option value="9">Transcatheter Valve Replacement</option>
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