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Arches: CardioSmart


Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

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13.1 Search Result

The returned result of a FYHAH search.

<article class="br_1 br_black-2 br_solid font_0 font_ui p_4 shadow_overlap-light m-b_4">
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        <h1 class="font_2 font_display m_0 flex_auto"><span>Trudeo</span>
        </h1> <a class="bg_shade-5 br_2 br_solid br_white-3 c_black flex_shrink h:bg_primary h:c_white h:underline-none inline-block m-r_2   text_center flex shadow_overlap-light br_radius"><span class="lh_0 flex_auto add alt-short-text a:_none p-y_3 p-x_3 p-r_4">Add To Compare</span> <span class="flex_none p-y_3 p-x_3 text_center br_radius a:bg_accent-n1 flex"><i class="fas a:c_white c_shade-3 fa-fw icon-toggle_check-sqaure icon-toggle_check-square self_center"></i></span></a>
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                    <li class="m-b_1 m-b_3:md facility-address font_1">
                        <div class="block"><span class="street-address">8994 Morning Pass</span></div>
                        <div class="block"><span class="street-address"></span></div>
                        <div class="block"><span class="locality">Salt Lake City</span>, <span class="state-name"><abbrUT</abbr></span> <span class="postal-code">84110</span></div>
                    <li class="m-b_1 m-b_2:md facility-google-map"><a href="" target="_blank" class="block c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fa-fw fa-map-marker fa-pin fas"></i>Get Directions </a></li>
                    <li class="m-b_1 m-b_2:md facility-web-URL"><a target="_blank" class="website c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-globe"></i> website </a></li>
                    <li class="m-b_1 m-b_3:md facility-phone"><a tel="+18002574737" href="tel:+801-551-8160" class="tel c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-phone"></i> <span class="text">801-551-8160</span></a></li>
        <div class="flex_auto m-t_0:md m-t_4">
            <div class="font_0 font_bold br-b_1 br_solid br_primary-3 p-b_2 m-b_3"> Cardiac Services <a href="" target="_blank" class="c_secondary h:c_primary h:underline"><i class="fas fa-fw fa-question-circle"></i></a></div>
            <ul class="font_n1 gap-x_4 gap-y_2 grid lh_2 template-x_15 ul_none ">
                <li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Cardiac Surgery Services </li>
                <li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Cardiac Defibrillator Implantation </li>
                <li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Carotid Endarterectomy </li>
                <li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Percutaneous Peripheral Vascular Intervention </li>
                <li class="facility-service p-l_4 p-r_3 text-indent_n1"> Carotid Artery Stenting </li>
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