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Arches: CardioSmart


Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 6434

8.3.3 Tab: Default


Description: Active State of Tab. Add and remove the active is-active class from the li-tag toggle the active effect

Experimental: This design is currently being reworked and might possibly change. (June 2021)


Limitations to the documentation system might cause javascript effects to animate or trigger incorrectly.
<li id="LinkUI-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#LinkUI"  role="tab" aria-controls="LinkUI" aria-selected="true" class=" nav-item relative p_3 p-x_4:md h:bg_black-3 br-l_1 br_black-3 br_solid flex_grow text_center bg_disabled opacity_disabled a:bg_accent-n1">
         class="c_disabled h:undecorated expanded-click-area c_black-8 a:c_white-9 h:c_black "
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