Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 8583
11.3.2 Related Content Item (Content Icons)
Description: New Items on the site use the colors of the pathways to enrich the page with some color details.
This is currently being depreciated. Please visited the new location for the styleguide at
Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 8583
Description: New Items on the site use the colors of the pathways to enrich the page with some color details.
Generic article (file-medical-alt)
News article (newspaper)
Patient/survivor story (address-card) (hospital-user) (file user)
Infographics (file-chart-pie)
Fact Sheet (ballot-check) (file-spreadsheet)
Discussion Guide (user-md-chat)(comments-alt)
Action Plan (file-signature)
Decision Aid (sitemap) (code-branch)
Risk Calculator (calculator)
Video (photo-video)
Generic Prevention (heart) (book-heart)
Eat Better (utensils-alt)
Lose Weight (weight)
Move More (walking) (running)
Relax (alarm-snooze) (spa)
Stop Smoking (smoking-ban)
Manage Your Health (clipboard check) (clipboard-user)
Medication Adherence (prescription-bottle)
Caregivers (hand-holding-heart) (user-friends)
Editor in chief/Editorial Board (users-medical)
<div class="bg_ecg-n1 br_radius h:bg_primary relative min-h_10 shadow_overlap-light max-w_30 c_white " style="">
<div class="flex flex_row self_stretch" style="min-height: 11rem;">
<div class="bg_black-2 flex flex_column flex_none justify_around p_4 shadow_n1 text_center">
<div class="flex_shrink lh_1 self_center">
<i class="[modifier class] fad font_8 m-b_2 fa-fw"></i>
<div class="c_white-5 font_n3 text_center">
The Object Type Label
<div class="flex flex_column flex_shrink justify_around p-b_5 p_4">
<div class="flex_shrink">
<div class="font_1 font_display lh_2 m-b_2 overflow_hidden" style="max-height: 7rem;">Receiving a Heart Transplant in Your Region's Leading Center Can Improve Survival
<div class="capitalize font_n1 m-b_2 font_accent:">
Accute Heart Failure
<div class="absolute inline-block b_3 h:opacity opacity_7 r_3 m-r_3">
<span class="m-r_2 uppercase font_n1 font_ui inline m-t_n2">learn more</span>
<i class="block fa-arrow-alt-circle-right fas font_0"></i>