Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 7750
6.8 Editor Credit
Meta Data Driven Component that renders when it published/last reviewed and who is credited as reviewers for the page. (Third Level Content)
This is currently being depreciated. Please visited the new location for the styleguide at
Source: dist/css/cardiosmart_boot.css, line 7750
Meta Data Driven Component that renders when it published/last reviewed and who is credited as reviewers for the page. (Third Level Content)
<cite class="font_italic font_n2 font_ui">
<ul class="flex flex_wrap m-l_0:md m-l_3 ul_none" data-attr="editors">
<li class="p-r_3" data-attr="date">
Last Edited<span class="font_bold c_secondary p-x_2 ">
<li class="block br-l_1 br_none br_primary-3 br_solid:md m-b_0:md m-b_n2 p-l_0 p-l_3:md p-r_2 w_100 w_auto:md">
Medical Reviewer(s):
<li class="p-l_3:md p-r_3" data-attr="editor">
<a class="link"><i class="fas fa-user p-r_3 c_black-5"></i>Simon
<li class="br-l_1 br_secondary-3 br_dotted:md br_none p-l_3:md p-r_3" data-attr="editor">
<a class="link"><i class="fas fa-user p-r_3 c_black-5"></i>Margret