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Author & Article Tag Block CardioSmart.
information about the article, author and taxonomy. Meta Data of an article may include: Author, Photo/Avatar of Author, Date Published, Tags & Topics of the Article, And last edited. (Secondary Level Item)
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<section data-attr="author" class="font_0 m-x_4 lh_1 br-t_1 br_solid br_primary-3 m-t_4 p-t_3 font_copy">
<span data-attr="author-name" class="block font_1 font_display font_bold"><a class="c_primary-2 font_bold link"
>CardioSmart News</a
<span data-attr="associated" class="block font_n1">American College of Cardiology</span>
<span data-attr="address-city-state" class="block font_n1">Washington, DC</span>
<section data-attr="article" class="font_n1 m-x_4 font_ui">
<ul data-attr="taxonomy" class="flex_wrap flex flex_row ul_none">
<li data-attr="topic " class="flex_shrink p-r_2 font_bold c_accent-n1 uppercase">
<li data-attr="topic " class="flex_shrink p-x_2">
<a class="link c_shade-n2">AFIB</a>
<li data-attr="topic" class="flex_shrink p-x_2">
<a class="link c_shade-n2">Endocarditis</a>
<li data-attr="tag" class="flex_shrink p-x_2">
<a class="link c_shade-n2">Living With</a>
<li data-attr="tag" class="flex_shrink p-x_2">
<a class="link c_shade-n2">New Science</a>