Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 1728
4.2.6 Text Wrap
Is Responsive: breakpoint modifiers
You can alter the wrapping style with these UCs.
This is currently being depreciated. Please visited the new location for the styleguide at
Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 1728
alter the wrapping style to wrap
alter the wrapping style to pre-wrap
alter the wrapping style to nowrap
<div class="[modifier class] font_normal max-w_30">
Quae sapiente reprehenderit explicabo esse consequatur error fugiat. Voluptas odit ipsam architecto quae perspiciatis nostrum autem at. Ut veritatis molestiae distinctio autem repudiandae voluptatem voluptatibus aspernatur.