Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 10647 Textures Plus Background Colors
All textures are slightly transparent. You can acheive different effects with using the combo of textures and background colors.
This is currently being depreciated. Please visited the new location for the styleguide at
Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 10647
All textures are slightly transparent. You can acheive different effects with using the combo of textures and background colors.
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
textures are slightly transparent so they can be colored with background-color classess
<div class="[modifier class] p_5 br_black-8 br_1 br_solid text_center">[modifier class]</div>