Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 10559
7.1.3 Background Repeat
repeating a background image is easy.
.bg_norepeat - norepeat .bg_repeat - repeat .bg_repeat-x - repoeat-x .bg_repeat-y - repeat-y .bg_repeat-space - repeat-space
This is currently being depreciated. Please visited the new location for the styleguide at
Source: dist/css/acc_uc.css, line 10559
repeating a background image is easy.
.bg_norepeat - norepeat .bg_repeat - repeat .bg_repeat-x - repoeat-x .bg_repeat-y - repeat-y .bg_repeat-space - repeat-space
<div class=" seal_tiny bg_auto" style="height:200px;max-width: unset;background-size: 100px;"><span class="alt"></span></div>