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Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/arches_home.css, line 2 |

2 Extending Arches

Arches is a living product and will never be 100% complete nor will it cover 100% of situations. Judiciously extending the system or building complementary stylesheets will always occur. Here are some of the helpers and functions of Arches to help you build and expand the style system.

Source: dist/css/arches_home.css, line 11 |

2.1 get-themecolor()

Gets a color value that fits into the set color patterns for usage in new css.

  • The color name to be modified [primary,secondary,etc...]

  • The color shift you desire default is 0 but you can pass in [-5,-4,...0,1...4,5].


Source: dist/css/arches_home.css, line 21 |

2.2 util-style()

Gets utility style and prints it.

  • The name of the css class

  • the size of the style needed.
