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1.1 Credited Product

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Large Artery Stiffness in Health and Disease: JACC State-of-the-Art Review (JACC September 2019-1)

We provide an overview of key physiologic and biophysical principles related to arterial stiffness, the impact of aortic stiffening on target organs, noninvasive methods for the measurement of arterial stiffness, mechanisms leading to aortic stiffeni
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				<h1 class="br-b_1 br_primary br_solid font_1 font_display font_regular lh_2 m-b_2 p-x_3 p-y_2 title">
					<a href=";returnurl=%2fUsers%2fUserOnlineCourse.aspx%3fLearningActivityID%3dAWHF9hHUa2x%252fpUkVmcYU8Q%253d%253d" class=" undecorated c_acc">Large Artery Stiffness in Health and Disease: JACC State-of-the-Art Review (JACC
						September 2019-1)</a>
			<section class="excerpt font_0 lh_2 p-x_3 p-y_2">
				We provide an overview of key physiologic and biophysical principles related to arterial
				stiffness, the impact of aortic stiffening on target organs, noninvasive methods for the
				measurement of arterial stiffness, mechanisms leading to aortic stiffeni
			<aside class="p-x_3 p-t_3 font_n1 c_seondary-1 flex flex_row">
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					<ul class="educational-details ul_none flex flex_row">
						<li class="published-date font_bold flex_shrink">Aug 26, 2019</li>
						<li class="esitmated-length flex_shrink m-l_4">
							<span class="font_bold">Duration:</span> 2 <span class="unit">hrs</span>
					<ul class="authors ul_none flex flex_row m-t_2">
						<li class="">
							<a class="undecorated h:underline c_primary" href="/membership/person?id=73B605A1-7BA1-444A-8C2E-3A6915658B7C">Mahmoud Houmsse, MD, FACC</a>
						<li class="m-l_2 p-l_2 br-l_1 br_solid br_shade">
							<a class="undecorated h:underline c_primary" href="/membership/person?id=274592CF-C5AF-487F-944B-54C8935B7E21">Stephen F. Schaal, MD, FACC</a>
				<div class="flex_auto">
					<ul class="ul_none flex flex_row-reverse flex_shrink inline-block credits flex font_n2 font_bold p-t_3">
						<li class="credit m-l_n2 m-r_2 p-y_2 p-x_4 bg_CME-4 c_black br_round inline-block flex flex_row w_auto m-l_2">
							<div class="amount flex_shrink p-r_2">1</div>
							<div class="label flex_shrink">CME</div>
						<li class="credit m-r_2 p-y_2 p-x_4 bg_COP-4 c_black br_round inline-block flex flex_row w_auto m-l_2">
							<div class="amount flex_shrink p-r_2">1</div>
							<div class="label flex_shrink">COP</div>
						<li class="credit m-r_2 p-y_2 p-x_4 bg_ECME-4 c_black br_round inline-block flex flex_row w_auto m-l_2">
							<div class="amount flex_shrink p-r_2">1</div>
							<div class="label flex_shrink">ECME</div>
						<li class="credit m-r_2 p-y_2 p-x_4 bg_MOCII-4 c_black br_round inline-block flex flex_row w_auto m-l_2">
							<div class="amount flex_shrink p-r_2">1</div>
							<div class="label flex_shrink">MOC</div>
			<footer class="texture_light bg_acc-5 p_3 p-y_2 m_n3 m-t_3 flex flex_nowrap">
				<div class="flex_auto inline-block lh_2 p-x_3 w_70">
					<ul class="clinical-topics ul_none font_n2 c_shade-1 flex flex_row flex_wrap m-t_2">
						<li class="font_bold c_shade m-r_2">Clinical Topics:</li>
							<a class="c_shade-1 undecorated h:underline" href="/clinical-topics/vascular-medicine">Vascular Medicine</a>
							<a class="c_shade-1 undecorated h:underline" href="/clinical-topics/noninvasive-imaging">Noninvasive Imaging</a>
					<ul class="keywords ul_none font_n2 c_shade-1 flex flex_row flex_wrap m-t_2">
						<li class="font_bold c_shade m-r_2">Keywords:</li>
						<li>Diagnostic Imaging</li>
						<li>Bundle-Branch Block</li>
						<li>Coronary Artery Bypass</li>
						<li>Myocardial Infarction</li>
						<li>Chest Pain</li>
				<div class="flex_auto inline-block w_30 text_right">
					<a href="" class="br_radius  bg_primary h:bg_primary-n2 c_white p-y_3 title font_2 undecorated text_center p-x_5 m-r_2 m-y_3 inline-block"><span class="font_bold">$200</span><span class="font_0 block nowrap"><i class="fas fa-cart-plus m-r_2"></i>Add to Cart</span></a>
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