Source: dist/css/color-code_bases.css, line 32
4 Pathway V2
Each of the clinical pathways has a distinctive color. These colors are used to give a distinct theme to our clinical apps, marketing, pdf's and tools.
#c8b02f; Interventional and Structural (Invasive)
#fdb918; Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease (PCHD)
#947b33; Multimodality Imaging (IMAG)
#ae171c; Vascular Medicine (VASC)
#d60e7e; Pulmonary Vascular Disease (PULMVD)
#4f4190; Valvular Heart Disease (VALV)
#005b37; Electrophysiology (EP)
#0f3e65; Ischemic Heart Disease (ISCHEM)
#00b6f1; Specialty Topics (SPECIAL)
#a01d51; Prevention and Health Promotion (PREV)
#410d49; Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies (HF)