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Arches: Virtual ACC

Arches:Virtual ACC

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/virtual_boot.css, line 12121

6.3 Full Data with Photo

Description: The most basic way we represent a faculty.

br_radius - The border radius of the image. br_round - The border radius of the image. br_circle - The border radius of the image.

SupComponents: Faculty.TwitterButton - Twitter Button

Data.Faculty.Photo - Profile Photo Data.Faculty.FullName - Full Name Data.Faculty.Title - Title Data.Faculty.Bio - Bio
Data Elements:


    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC

    Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC

    New York, NY, USA

    Omnis laboriosam vero dolorum harum nihil debitis placeat eligendi. Molestiae voluptatibus nemo eveniet. Vero ipsum eius. Alias sapiente quidem dolore dolorem atque alias est.

    This element uses data that has strict data formatting requirements. See the data tab for more information.
    	class="flex flex_column p-b_4 m-b_4 font_0 gap-x_5:lg gap-x_4"
    		class=" flex_auto m-x_0:md m-x_auto max-w_15 w_100 shadow_overlap-light overflow_hidden m-b_4  self_center "
            class="aspect_1x1 w_100"
            alt="Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC"
        />	</div>
    	<div class="flex_auto flex_column justify_start">
    		<h2 class="m-b_0 speaker_name font_display font-size_up-2 lh_2 c_primary"> Pepper H. Soda III, MD, FACC</h2>
    		<ul class="speaker_metadata ul_none font_copy font-size_down">
                <!-- This is a repeated snippet -->
                <li class="c_black-8 lh_1 m_0 m-b_2">Physician-in-Chief, Department of Cardiology, Mount SugarLoaf Hospital</li>
                <span class="block c_black-6 font-size_down-2 lh_0 font_italic">New York, NY, USA</span>
            <div class="speaker_bio reading-typography max-w_50 font-size_down-1">
                <!-- This content can container html -->
                <p>Omnis laboriosam vero dolorum harum nihil debitis placeat eligendi. Molestiae voluptatibus nemo eveniet. Vero ipsum eius. Alias sapiente quidem dolore dolorem atque alias est.</p>        </div>
            <div class="grid justify_center">
                <a class="bg_twitter br_radius c_white font-size_down-1 h:bg_secondary-n3 h:c_secondary-n3 h:c_white h:undecorated p-x_4 p_3" href="" target="_blank">
                    <i class="br-r_1 br-white-5 br_solid fa-twitter fab m-l_n2 m-r_3 m-y_n2 p-r_3 p-r_3:lg p-y_2"></i>
                    <i class="fa-at fas opacity_8 p-r_1"></i>
                    Tweat_DrSoda</a>        </div>
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