Source: dist/css/cvquality_boot.css, line 8400
5.6.5 Side Nav Child
Decoration classes with UC's to make the nav look like the child of the primary level.
This is currently being depreciated. Please visited the new location for the styleguide at
Source: dist/css/cvquality_boot.css, line 8400
Decoration classes with UC's to make the nav look like the child of the primary level.
<nav class="hidden-print nav-sub max-w-25">
<ul class="bg_shade-5 br-b_1 br-t_1 br_secondary br_solid flex flex_column font_0 font_bold font_ui nav">
<li data-nav="parent" class="nav-item parent">
<a class="a:c_secondary c_shade-n3 fa-caret-right h:bg_white-4 icon-before nav-link p-y_2" target="_self">
Parent Link
<ul class="flex_column font_n1 nav text-indent_2 bg_shade-4">
<li data-nav="parent" class="nav-item parent">
<a class="nav-link p-y_2 c_shade-n3 h:bg_black-2 h:c_black" target="_self">
Link with children
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="a:c_secondary c_shade-n3 h:bg_white-4 nav-link p-y_2" target="_self">
Link without children
<li data-nav="parent" class="nav-item parent active">
<a class="a:c_secondary c_shade-n3 fa-caret-down h:bg_white-4 icon-before nav-link p-y_2"t arget="_self">
Link that is active