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Arches: CVquality


Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/cvquality_boot.css, line 16903

5.1.13 Webinar Buttons

Graphic areas that hold a snippet of a webinar.

Style Combo Effect Classes
primary Alters the button style to a btn-primary instead of just a link. btn-primary c_white
shade Alters the button style to a btn-shade instead of just a link. btn-shade c_white
success Alters the button style to a btn-success instead of just a link. bg_success h:bg_success-n2 br_radius c_white

Example s

Default styling

<div class="bg_shade-5 br_4 br_none br_radius br_shade-4 br_solid card flex_row:md shadow_3"  data-style="[modifier class]" >
    <div class="bg_black-1 card-header  br_0 flex_shrink">
        <div class="bg_white br_2 br_shade-3 br_solid ep-webinar m-b_3 p_2 webinar"></div>
		<div class="action">
			<a class="btn btn-block [modifier class]">View Webinar <i class="fa fa-play-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
    <div class="card-body flex_auto">
        <div class="title">
        	<a>labore ad nisi velit labore commodo nisi tempor occaecat fugiat anim commodo</a>
        <div class="view-time"><strong>View Time:</strong>&nbsp;<span>71 minutes</span></div>
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