Source: dist/css/acc_boot.css, line
Cookie Banner
Description: This page is the root of the page. The cookie banner was used to display a message to the user that the site uses cookies. The user can click on the banner to dismiss the message.
- The system will present the learner with a pop-up banner that appears when first accessing the site, which will include text, links and an Accept/OK button.
- The system will allow the user to dismiss the pop up by clicking the Accept/OK button
- The system will allow the ACC Admin to "reset" the pop up banner, which will show it to all users and require them to click accept again to dismiss it.
- The system will track and record the users date/time when they accepted the pop up.
<div class="'fixed' b_0 r_0 l_0 grid justify-content-center bg_acc opacity_8 z_5">
<div class="flex_row flex">
<div class="flex_auto c_white p_3 p_4:md">
<h1>This site uses cookies to improve your experience. </h1>
<p>By continuing to use our site, you agree to our <a target="_blank" class="link c_white underline h:undecorated" href="" target="_blank">Cookie Policy</a>, <a target="_blank" class="link c_white underline h:undecorated" href="">Privacy Policy</a> and <a target="_blank" class="link c_white underline h:undecorated" href="">Terms of Service</a></p></div>
<div class="flex_auto grid text_center justify_center">
<a class="btn btn-primary self_center p-x_5 shadow_overlap-light">OK</a>