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Arches: ACC & Bootstrap

Arches:ACC & Bootstrap

Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Source: dist/css/acc_boot.css, line 8880 Credits

Credits are used to display the value of the content and what type of certification it offers.

Recipes.ContentList.Sub.SingleCredit - Credit Chiclets
Sub Components in Design:


    • CNE 1
    • CME 1
    • COP 1
    <div class="credits">
    	<ul class="ul_none flex flex_wrap font_n2 font_n1:md font_n1:print self_end">
    		<li class="block inline-block:md flex_shrink block:print m-y_2 m-x_2">
    			<div class="inline-block br_1 br_radius c_white  br_CNE-n1 bg_CNE br_solid">
    				<div class="flex flex_nowrap p-y_2 p-x_3 lh_2">
    					<span class="flex_auto">CNE</span> <span class="flex_shrink"><i class="fa-horizontal-rule fa-rotate-90 far"></i></span> <span class="flex_auto font_bold">1</span>
    		</li>		<li class="block inline-block:md flex_shrink block:print m-y_2 m-x_2">
    			<div class="inline-block br_1 br_radius c_white  br_CME-n1 bg_CME br_solid">
    				<div class="flex flex_nowrap p-y_2 p-x_3 lh_2">
    					<span class="flex_auto">CME</span> <span class="flex_shrink"><i class="fa-horizontal-rule fa-rotate-90 far"></i></span> <span class="flex_auto font_bold">1</span>
    		</li>		<li class="block inline-block:md flex_shrink block:print m-y_2 m-x_2">
    			<div class="inline-block br_1 br_radius c_white  br_COP-n1 bg_COP br_solid">
    				<div class="flex flex_nowrap p-y_2 p-x_3 lh_2">
    					<span class="flex_auto">COP</span> <span class="flex_shrink"><i class="fa-horizontal-rule fa-rotate-90 far"></i></span> <span class="flex_auto font_bold">1</span>
    		</li>	</ul>
    Copy Code