
Won The Golden "Fishing Rod" We Are Not Competitive

Piloted one-page Executive Summary -

ACC.23 Cards
Against Confusion UX Surveys On The Ground

Developed More Manageable Workloads more time for self-development

Continued One
CRM Support User Experience | UAT | Change Management

Created the
Online Webinar Request Form in Verint -

Defining UX
Best Practices
For Our Digital
Spaces Conquering the Chaos

Published 4 Papers
(2 JACC, 1 Poster ACC.22, 1
Cardiology Magazine) And 2 Awaiting Approval (2 JACC Advances)

CVBoard Website One & Two

Support 55+ Activities some from new clients

Faciliate selection of
a ListServ Replacement Tool -

Survey Report Template Review (SRTR)

Hired Two
Team Members And They are Terrific!

M&A Onboarded New Staff Yay Emily!

Completed the
Content Implementation Plan February

Conducted CVQuality Content Audit We Only Want to Keep the Quality Stuff

2024 Cardio-Onc Verint
Online Faculty Question
Writing Guides -

Supported & Facilitated
the Transfer of
GHATI Reporting To Health Catalyst

Launch of 2 New
Guidelines New Tools | | JACC | UX Support

Formed Enterprise Content
Strategy Staff
Council September

Optimized Processes
with Education Division Curious Crusaders – Pilots for CDMs | RACI Charts

Authored an
Enterprise Data Capture Policy Voted on an approved by the DTC!

Personify Code Fix & Uploading All Missed Claims Personify you will be missed

Support for Meetings,
Meetings, & More Meetings! ACC.23 | AHA | TCT | ESC
Publishing, Virtual Meeting Support, Analytics, & more

Updated SAP Evaluations for 2024 -

Continued Enhancements to Microsite Design | Career Paths | Join Us |

Conducted Over 150
Projects/Analyses -

the Second Iteration of the ACC
Member Engagement Index -

Developed & Launched
the HF Market Insights
Dashboard Department Supports 20+ Dashboards

MVP of Arches
Framework on Beginning of Converting the

Developed & Launched
ACC's Insights Hub -

Data Optimizations Use of Data Repository | Mediasite Data Solutions

Completed Massive GA4
Configuration & Migration 56 Newly Designed Dashboards | 10 Updated Clinical Apps

Completed the
Content Audit Almost - December...Maybe?

Facilitated the ECDS Division Data Migration To SharePoint

Exemplified One ACC Roadshows | Cross-College Collaboration

Developed a More Efficient Survey
for JACC Associate Editors Credit Claims -

New Verint ACC Survey Theme -

HCM Brochure -

The Premier CV Society News Publishers -

the Taxonomy June

Brainstormed Solutions with IT for
Outlook Public Folders Retirement We Gave them a Nice Watch

Facilitated the ESOC Review
of 8 ACC Flagship Courses -

IM Cardiology Program Data
Featured in PulsePoints -

JACC Focus Groups Saving Us from Our Own Ideas

Cardiosmart Heart
Health Risk Calculator Love Your Heart, Crunch the Numbers

Provided Data for
the Re-Accreditation Self-study -