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Multi Product Brand Style System by the American College of Cardiology

Welcome to Arches

Arches is a central design system for the American College of Cardiology. This system, through some compiler wizardry, builds out to variations using frameworks and product brands to be used across many products built by the ACC. Arches vanilla is just a Utility Classes and when added to a project with an already established style sheet is made to add new styling features non-destructively. There are also variations of Arches that build on top of the two popular frameworks that currently in use at the College, Twitter Bootstrap, and Zurb Foundation.

Utility Classes

Utility classes are a distinct departure from many previous learned CSS theories, but what utility classes allow for is an excellent separation of concerns between the HTML and CSS. The singular focus for utility classes is a single class controls a single style in CSS. Utility Class has significant benefits of reducing scope expansion in the CSS and also gives greater flexibility of crafting user interface components that are currently undefined. Html should continually be written using the best standards for semantics, but it is no longer a concern to follow a components design pattern because it is applicable at the HTML level.

Naming Convention

Arches does have a learning curve, but to reduce the curve the names follow a strict pattern. learn more

Brand Documentation

In each brand documentation area you will see direct representations of the styles in actions and predefined patterns used in those properties.

Brand Current Use Status Notes
ACC Main Site In Conversion Some pages are fully using Arches other are using the Utility Class Override
CardioSmart Fully Built on Pure Arches Style Sheets
CVQuality Documented Designs have been documented and branch project started not using Arches now.
Mobile Documented Mobile utilize zurb instead of bootstrap because of better mobile support.
JACC Partially Documented JACC is vendor based and will most likely never be converted.
Virtual Partially Documented The virtual platform for events has been restarted to build with vendor
Library Partially Documented the library is a spin off of the data from events. to make the styling more interesting it is utilizing a different look and feel.
Coveo Partially Documented An augmenting style sheet that renders results and search ui when using Coveo.
Covid Depreciated! An augmenting style sheet that renders results and search ui when using Coveo.

Playgrounds Documentation

There are some playgrounds setup for exploitative design work that are either off shoots of the major brands or are used in some of our third party products. Most of these are pattern only work or extra stylesheets that are product specific.

Playground Notes
Layouts Educations Systems, Ebiz, and Landing Page
Search W/in Guidelines Search within Guidelines content styling and test systems for a seperate add on style sheet for content returns

Color Codes

The College has used colors to denote many objects across its product lines. Here is the official colors and definitions.

Style Notes
Credits As an accredited body the college can grant credits to many different types of certifications and professional boards.
Learning Pathways Color coding the pathway for professional development
NCDR Registries Product colors for the Data Registries
LOE & COR Guidelines use coloring to help professionals quickly understand the level of evidence and class of recommendation

Adding a New Brand

Arches is a complex front end solution so adding a new brand has a decent amount of files that need to be added. Currently all brands are built on the bootstrap framework.

Files need to be added to the codebase to support a new brand.

All the files except the Setup Brand File can be left blank. The base,components,recipes all use a centralized root file that points to a folder to keep the system clean and organized.

└── Src/
    └── scss/
        ├── base/
        │   └── __base.brandName.scss
        ├── components/
        │   ├── brandName/
        │   └── __base.brandName.scss
        ├── recipes/
        │   ├── brandName/
        │   │   └── _brandName.recipe-name.scss
        │   └── __recipes.brandName.scss
        └── setup/
            └── __brand.brandName.scss (Copy the __brand.temp.scss to pull in proper variables and modify from there. )

When should I use setup,base,components, or recipes

Setup this is where you establish the design rules that arches will follow, Color Pallet, Font Families, and some sizing rules for the typography.

Base this is the most specialized section of brand structure. This is where depending on the style of the brand you can add flourishes and stylized global elements. CardioSmart for example has some typography rules that deviate from the base primary color for headers and uses the accent color for h1 - h3; and it also applies a colored gradient background to the wash over areas behind the page in desktop browsers. This is the area to make those types of changes.

Components is the area where the building of the UI elements requires some additional CSS. A good example of is when your are doing a bootstrap component override where Arches classes don't have the appropriate specificity to correct the stylings. A common component is the _acc.boot._navbar.override the subtle interactions of hovers make it mostly impossible for arches to alter the styles established by bootstrap so an override was needed to make this component work.

Recipes are used when you are just build DOM patterns that don't include any CSS. Most new documentation patterns will be created here.

Adding a new Gulp Task

In the gulpfile.js you must duplicate the appropriate task and alter is brand to match the needs.

gulp.task( "build-brandName",
		function SCSS() {
			return constructFrameworkAndUtilityStyleSheet("brandName", "boot");
		function CSS() {
			return runSass("brandName");
		function CONCAT() {
			return concatCSS("brandName", "boot");
		function Markdown() {
			return constructMarkdown("brandName", "boot");
		function () {
			return run("npm run boot_brandName").exec();

Update the Default Gulp Task

Depending on the need you should add the new build-brandName task to the group building tasks default or default-depreciated. Use default depreciated for any brand that isn't 100% official or going to be used in production straight away. a

Create a StyleGuide Config file

Duplicate an existing kss-config file and set it up. It is recommended you copy the kss-config_boot_acc.json

Create a new script entry in the package.json

create a new entry in the script area of the package json for gulp to be able to call the styleguide build command. a

	"boot_brandName": "kss --config kss-config_boot_brandName.json",	

Add Navigation to the new brand

This can be accomplished by either adding a new table row to \markdown\partials\ which outlines the style areas. If and only If you are making a new flagship brand should you add a new entry to all kss_config files so the nav item is available to all pages within the ARCHES documentation.